Table of Contents
A novel approach to stability of interval delayed systems with nonlinear perturbations | |
Jiyao . AN | 3-13 |
Optimal Fractional-order Sliding Mode Controller (OFSMC) Design for a class of Fractional-order Nonlinear SIMO Systems using PSO Algorithm | |
Djari Abdelhamid | 14-25 |
Generalized Non-Switching Reaching Laws for SMC of Discrete Time Dynamical Systems | |
Piotr Lesniewski, Andrzej Bartoszewicz | 26-35 |
Improved State Estimation for Stochastic Nonlinear Chemical Reactor using Particle Filter based on Unscented transformation | |
Jayaprasanth Devakumar, Kanthalakshmi Srinivasan | 36-44 |
Lossy Vibration Compression through Matching Pursuit | |
Dan Stefanoiu, Alexandru Dumitrascu, Janetta Culita | 45-56 |
On the Robustness of Networked Control Systems with Quality of Service Adaptation Co-design | |
Octavian Stefan, Alexandru Codrean, Toma-Leonida Dragomir | 57-64 |
PID controller design based on Laguerre orthonormal functions | |
Mohammad Tabatabaei | 65-76 |
A Facial Expression Recognition Method Based on Feature Blocks | |
Wencheng Wang | 77-85 |
A self-organizing map-based solution to the automatic detection of meteor echoes in radio spectrograms | |
Victor Stefan Roman | 86-95 |
The Role of the Textural Microstructure Co-occurrence Matrices in the Automatic Detection of the Cirrhosis Severity Grades from Ultrasound Images | |
Delia A. Mitrea, Sergiu Nedevschi, Mihail Abrudean, Monica Platon-Lupsor, Radu Badea | 96-106 |
An Optimal Controlling Approach for Voltage Regulation and Frequency Stabilization in Islanded Microgrid System | |
Ahmad Fakharian, Reza Rahmani | 107-114 |
Adaptive distance protection for 110 kV double circuit transmission line | |
Borascu Ionut Ciprian | 115-122 |