Comparative Analysis of ACM and GPWM Controllers in Continuous Input and Output Power Boost PFC Converter
Continuous input and output power converters are extensively used in renewable energy applications. In this paper, firstly the bifurcation analysis is carried out in a new topology of Continuous input and output power boost converter. The reference current is varied to realize the current mode control during the bifurcation analysis. The chaos occurs through quasi periodic bifurcation. The Jacobian matrix is derived to analyze the stability of the converter and it is found that the system loses its stability through quasi periodic bifurcation. Secondly to improve the power factor and to reduce the harmonic component in the input side of the AC source, the active power factor correction (PFC) controllers like Average Current Mode (ACM) controller and General Pulse Width Modulation (GPWM) controller are used. The performances of these two controllers are compared for line and load variation. The multiplier and amplifier circuit is eliminated in the GPWM controller compared to the ACM controller. The simulated results are validated with the experimental results obtained from the designed prototype model of the 40W output power converter