Event-triggered based $H_{\infty}$ Consensus Control for Multi-agent Systems under Time-varying Delay
This article addresses the event triggered based H?consensus control problem for a Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) with directed graph under time-varying delay. Event-triggered communication scheme is utilized to overcome the unnecessary utilization of communication bandwidth. Based on this event-trigger scheme a consensus control protocol is presented. The consensus control problem of MAS is transferred into the stability problem of a closed-loop system under time-varying delay. Furthermore, a new version of Lyapunov function (LF) is presented to establish H?performance index in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which is different from the tradition (Liu et al., 2014) and attained less conservative results. Finally, a simulation illustration is provided to exhibit the design method.
H_$H_{\infty}$, Multi-agent Systems, Event-trigger, Consensus, Time-varying delay.