Task-Space Synchronization of Robot Manipulators Driven by Three-Phase Induction Motors
This paper investigates the use of the 3-phase induction motor as actuator for driving task space synchronization of robot manipulators. The dynamic models of the induction motor and robot manipulator are combined to set up a single system called IM-Robot. A Lyapunov-based control law is designed to synchronize the end-effector pose of the master IM-Robot system with the end-effectors pose of the slave IM-Robot systems while track a desired trajectory. The controller guarantees global exponential task space synchronization. Performance indices are used to prove that the slave IM-Robot systems synchronize with the master IM-Robot system before tracking the desired trajectory. Simulations results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Synchronization; induction motors; nonlinear systems; robotic manipulators; Lyapunov function