Active disturbance rejection control for looper tension of stainless steel strip processing line
In order to solve the tension disturbance problem of the strip processing line due to the motion of the looper carriage, the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) strategy is presented. Meanwhile, the tension control of the looper is converted into the tension control of the wire rope between the winch and the looper carriage. A new tension measurement method is designed in order to obtain the tension and facilitate closed-loop tension control instead of a tension transducer. Considering the parameter uncertainty and the multi-disturbance of the stainless steel strip processing line, an ADRC controller is designed, and then the stability and parameter tuning procedure of ADRC are discussed. Finally, experiments are carried out based on the data from the processing line. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Looper, dynamics model, tension control, ADRC.