Optimal Fractional-order Sliding Mode Controller (OFSMC) Design for a class of Fractional-order Nonlinear SIMO Systems using PSO Algorithm
This paper presents a new strategy of the optimal fractional order sliding mode controller (OFSMC) of fractional order non-linear SIMO (Single Input Multiple output) systems based on a division of the global proposed fractional order sliding surface into fractional order sliding sub-surfaces. The optimality of the proposed approach is ensured by the use of PSO algorithm to calculate the parameters ?i in sliding sub-surfaces, weighting parameters ?i in global sliding surface and gain k of sign function in the Attractant control (discontinuous control). Simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of OFSMC by comparing it with the optimal conventional sliding mode control OSMC (optimal integer order SMC) applied on fractional order model of inverted pendulum where OFSMC gives excellent results of robustness.
Fractional calculus; fractional order systems; SIMO systems; SMC; FOSMC; FFOSMC; PSO algorithm.