Camera Positioning And Orienting For Hyperredundant Robots Visual Servoing Applications

Razvan Tanasie, Mircea Ivanescu, Dorian Cojocaru


Hyperredundant robots produce changes of configuration using a continuous backbone made
of sections which bend. The lack of no discrete joints is a serious and difficult issue in the determination
of the robot's shape. A solution for this problem is the vision based control of the robot, kinematics and
dynamics. The term "camera calibration", used in this paper with the meaning of positioning and
orienting the cameras in order to support the accuracy of the image features extraction, is an essential
procedure for all such applications. The paper presents methods to calibrate for a pan/tilt/zoom camera
shape by means of an engineered environment and a graphic simulation module. The experimental details
show the effectiveness of the technique used with the hyperredundant manipulator.

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