We have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate and contribute to the 25th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS25), organized by the Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics (SRAIT) and hosted by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers in Bucharest, Romania, from the 27th till the 30th of May 2025. This edition, the CSCS Conference is organized under IFACx Romania label, under the aegis of the Romanian Academy and with the support of the IEEE CS, CSS and RCS Romania Chapters. The activities will be held in a hybrid format, offering virtual participation alternatives for foreign attendees, encouraged through registration fee discounts. The 25th Anniversary Edition of the CSCS Conference continues a tradition of more than 50 years as a biennial international event. Over the years, CSCS has been the premier and the avant-garde international conference in Control and Computer Science organized in Romania, gathering the most prominent research and scientific contributions from all over the world.
Organizing Committee Conference Chair: Acad. Ioan Dumitrache President of the Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics (SRAIT) Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Mihnea Moisescu Dean of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, Bucharest Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Florin Pop Director of the Doctoral School of Automatic Control and Computers, Bucharest Conference Co-Chair: Dr. Dana Copot Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Research group on Dynamical Systems and Control, Ghent University NOC Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dragos Popescu Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest Deadlines 07.02.2025 - Session and Workshop Proposals 14.02.2025 - Proposal notification 14.02.2025 - Manuscript submission (early round) 14.03.2025 - Author notification (early round) 14.03.2025 - Manuscript submission (late round) 18.04.2025 - Author notification (late round) 12.05.2025 - Registration 27.05.2025 - Conference opening 20.06.2025 - Camera-ready manuscript Topics
General Program The program of CSCS25 Conference includes: Plenary Lectures, Conference Sessions, Workshops, the Doctoral Symposium and the CSCS TechTalks Sessions which are available to all the participants. In addition, the Full and Student discount conference fees cover the access to the Social Program Events, coffee breaks and lunches served at the conference venue. Manuscript preparation The conference welcomes the submission of original contributions reporting on new directions and approaches or ongoing research projects in Control Systems and Computer Science as:
The contributions will be prepared according to the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings and will be submitted in PDF format using the EasyChair platform. Only accepted and presented Short and Regular papers will be included in the CSCS25 Proceedings which will be published using the IEEE Conference Publishing Services. It will be submitted to be considered for indexing into IEEE Xplore and Web of Science databases. Conference fees At least one author for each paper should register and participate, giving a technical presentation. We offer multiple conference fee options and extras detailed below.